Our Private Asset Owners Team
If you’d like to know how our Private Asset Owners services can help you deliver your goals, please contact a member of the team. They would be delighted to take your call.

Ilias Georgopoulos
Global Head of Private and Institutional Asset Owners _____
E ilias.georgopoulos@iqeq.com T +352 621 217 473

Alex Dean
Head of Family Office, Europe and Middle East _____
E alexander.dean@iqeq.com T +44 759 451 9420

Pete Unwin
Head of Private Wealth and Family Office, Middle East _____
E peter.unwin@iqeq.com T +44 1534 714505

Pazani Vaitilingon
Chief Commercial Officer, Africa, India and Middle East _____
E pazani.vaitilingon@iqeq.com T +230 213 8961

Constantinos Meivatzis
Managing Director, Cyprus _____
E constantinos.meivatzis@iqeq.com T +357 99 22 48 74

Frederique Meyer
Deputy Managing Director, Switzerland _____
E frederique.meyer@iqeq.com T +41 44 286 27 91

Hugh Stacey
Executive Director, Asset Owner Solutions, UK _____
E hugh.stacey@iqeq.com T +44 20 7397 5463

Bas Horsten
Head of Private Wealth and Family Offices Latin America _____
E bas.horsten@iqeq.com T +599 9 566 1914